
Because burfeind.com was already taken…


More Hodgepodge

In what has become a theme, I’m getting more grief for not having posted pictures in a while.  So, here we go:


Sarah and Scott’s Wedding

Sarah and ScottIt was pointed out to me, and rightfully so, that I apparently had forgotten to post anything from a certain other event that occurred this summer. In my defense, which isn’t saying much, I didn’t actually take many pictures at the wedding. The professional seemed to have things well under control, so I mostly just took pictures of Sammy in his tuxedo.

In any case, the wedding was lovely, the bride looked radiant, and everyone seemed to have a fantastic time. And Sammy looked great in a tuxedo.

Also, Vegas rocks!



Kit and SammyWe’re back from sunny CA, a little tired, and a little sad that it’s so cold here. Fun trip, with lots of family, friends, and adventures. We flew out on Christmas morning, got there in time for lunch and presents with the grandparents, then dinner in Saugus (not that Saugus, the other one). Turkey AND lasagna. Out of six nights in LA, Sammy fell asleep somewhere other than his bed on four of them. The highlight was a trip to Disneyland, for which we kidnapped our godson. Kit was a joy, and he and Sammy made quite a pair.

We flew back on New Year’s Eve, missing the turn of the new year somewhere over the western states. Got home in time to take a nap and then watch the Rose Parade. Now it’s back to work, and it’s supposed to be a high of 16 degrees tomorrow. Lovely.


California – May/June 2007

Jenn, Sammy and Mark went to California for the last weekend in May, leaving me at home. Highlights included this trip to the beach where Sammy learned about the joys of the boogie board, and Nick attempted to bury himself in the sand. In fact, he was successful, as you’ll see.